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Wuxi Tiantong Construction Machinery CO., LTD.

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Basket construction workers and understanding of the Code specifically addressed

Release date: 2016-06-15 11:45:45    Visits: 699

Basket, it will be explained below target, because while the front has a lot of content, but in terms of learners, still does not meet fully the criteria, so the following, then we have to explain the content in this regard, the main it is about the construction workers of the Code in this regard, so that we can learn and understand more so that they are in this area can go more in-depth, and so that they can benefit.

Code construction personnel basket content it contains are:
(1) prior to construction, the first to develop a reasonable and practical installation scheme, but also to the specific details, the implementation details.
(2) When the basket is installed, should conduct a detailed and careful examination, everything is no problem, to be able to begin construction.
(3) in the facade of the building, if the projections or corners, then the job should be clearly marked to prevent the emergence of dangerous collision with the building gondola.
(4) If the environmental conditions are relatively poor, then the basket is not off the job.
(5) When using the basket, the weight of the load should not exceed 80% of the rated load capacity. Moreover, the load should be evenly distributed job.
(6) can not be used for other purposes basket, the power should be supplied separately.
(7) Non basket sick to run, this is very dangerous.
(8) basket of maintenance, which is not in the air should be carried out on the ground.

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Contact: Mr Zhu 138 6179 2014

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Mr Wang 139 2114 6671




AddNo.570 Xitai Road Meicun New district in wuxi city, jiangsu province

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