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Learn Electric basket half-wave and full-wave rectification

Release date: 2016-06-15 11:43:15    Visits: 678

Electric basket, the product, as they relate to all aspects is very much, so today, in order to understand that we can further understand it, the following small series it said one of its aspects, the electrical system for the basket , mainly in the rectifier circuit in this regard, so that we make progress in learning the product, so that they know more.
Electric basket of the electrical system, the rectifier circuit, typically a half-wave rectification and full-wave rectification of these two, so the following Xiaobian to say something about these two.

1. The half-wave rectifier
Mainly by a rectifier diode, the diode is the use of one-way conductivity, its efficiency is generally 0.45. Its main advantage is the simple structure. Therefore, it can be used in cable luffing mechanism.

2. The full-wave rectifier
Mainly by the rectifier diode and the winding configuration. The advantage, which is rectified waveform obtained than a half-wave flat, but because it increases the winding, so consume more materials, in addition to its use also has certain limitations.

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