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Wuxi Tiantong Construction Machinery CO., LTD.

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Lift Oil aspects and fault response

Release date: 2016-06-15 11:44:01    Visits: 680

Elevator, with regard to oil and oil level, we should know something? In addition, the elevator does not rise up, rise or weak, we should be how to deal with it? These two issues, that is, the following will be involved, to raise them, mainly in order to elicit the article content, allowing everyone to learn better.

Elevator, with regard to oil and oil level, we should be aware of are:
(1) lift when the lift reached the maximum hydraulic oil level should be above the bottom of the tank for the job, usually for 40-50mm.
(2) When the oil hydraulic oil pale dark, sticky oil, or oil in a foreign body, then is should be replaced promptly.

Elevator does not rise up, rise or weak, their issue, their main reasons:
(1) the pressure relief valve is not adjusted properly, then it should be properly adjusted is.
(2) fuel tank leaks, then replace the fuel tank.
(3) valve stuck or leak, then the valve should be repaired or replaced.
(4) the oil level is too low, then should be added, so that adequate oil.

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Contact: Mr Zhu 138 6179 2014

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Mr Wang 139 2114 6671




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