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Wuxi Tiantong Construction Machinery CO., LTD.

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The main reason electric basket when aerial work likely to cause accidents

Release date: 2016-06-15 11:50:59    Visits: 1078

Electric basket is devoted to the external walls of high-rise building for construction of the instrument. So it also created during the operation easily lead to accidents of nature. We want to avoid electric gondola accident safety in operation and use it, you must first understand the main reason for these accidents is formed, in order to better serve as a reminder and the role of prevention.

Electric basket of scaffolding erection and dismantling works not performed in accordance with the regulations. Usually at the construction site, the construction side are more concerned about the construction schedule, often to the neglect of electric basket construction safety and construction specifications and inspection management. For some construction workers with their own experience to operate electric basket, so that it there is considerable risk in the operation, and even cause fatal accidents.

Second, electric basket security check prior to use is not done, there is no time to check out the possible threat to personal safety accidents. Electric basket of maintenance and inspection must be done before the construction side of each construction, some of the construction side, if lazy and do not check it, electric basket after a period of time, it is easy to rust and wire rope wear parts situation appears . Not to be promptly dealt with, in the construction process, construction workers to bring security risks.

Third, the safety awareness of construction workers and operators of weak electric basket. Construction workers do not follow the norms boarded the basket body,

Or slapstick in the basket and jump, do not wear a helmet, not wearing a seatbelt, etc., are electric basket prone to accidents during construction reasons. Therefore, to strengthen the training and assessment of electric basket operators and construction workers, and only obtain the relevant certificate of personnel to operate and construction basket in the basket.

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Contact: Mr Zhu 138 6179 2014

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Mr Wang 139 2114 6671




AddNo.570 Xitai Road Meicun New district in wuxi city, jiangsu province

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