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Wuxi Tiantong Construction Machinery CO., LTD.

Hotline: 138 6179 2014

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Effective high-altitude operations basket regulate methods

Release date: 2016-06-15 11:51:27    Visits: 1079

We all know that high-altitude operations basket when the operation there is a certain risk, then he must not only have good control, cooperation between workers and equipment is crucial. In order to be better able to operate on the high-altitude operations basket we will be good for the regulation of high-altitude operations basket of learning. Branch, specializing in the production of machinery and equipment high-altitude operations basket, a friend in need can contact us.
Our high-altitude operations basket him to be able to carry out a good control of the device, of course, when he should approach and consistent program, but also on some of the equipment to stringent review, not only to him but also to assemble in a reliable place. We want to strengthen the monitoring of high-altitude operations basket he usually huake machinery parts gondola his way into the scene, each of us his gondola installation methods to confirm.
We would also like to make the appropriate worker training, and he conducted the appropriate examinations and research, the focus is to make our workers know how to deal with high-altitude operations basket operation, and there may be a problem, of course, self-protection awareness should take responsibility. Also keep in mind that our workers can not throw things down, to prevent hit people. If we say that has not been acceptance of our basket is not used.

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Contact: Mr Zhu 138 6179 2014

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Mr Wang 139 2114 6671




AddNo.570 Xitai Road Meicun New district in wuxi city, jiangsu province

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