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How to choose a formal and professional aerial work basket supplier

Release date: 2020-09-10 14:13:55    Visits: 849

With the development of real estate, the hanging basket is also an indispensable tool for construction in the building system. Below, Wuxi Tiantong Machinery, a manufacturer of aerial work baskets, will introduce how to choose a regular hanging basket manufacturer.

Well-known brand manufacturer
Has completely independent intellectual property rights and design and manufacturing services.

Such a manufacturer has 30 years of manufacturing experience, but there are not many such hanging basket companies in China. In Wuxi, there are two or three at most. Tongtian hanging basket is one of them.

Such an enterprise has advanced technology and can fully guarantee the quality of the product. In addition, it can also guarantee its spare parts and after-sales service, but the price is slightly higher than that of general assembled hanging baskets and general manufacturers.

General brand manufacturers
It has complete manufacturing capabilities but no intellectual property rights.

These manufacturers only have a few in the country, usually only eight years of manufacturing experience. The power supply platforms provided by these companies are not advanced, and are mainly copied from well-known brand suppliers. The quality is good and the price is slightly lower.

It has self-manufactured key components, does not have intellectual property rights, and does not have design capabilities.

There are more than 20 suppliers of such aerial work baskets in China. They used to be key parts processing suppliers of well-known brand manufacturers. Their prices are low, but the equipment stability of the baskets is not strong, and they cannot guarantee the spare parts and For the supply of after-sales service, such companies can change to other companies at any time.

Produce structural parts and purchase key parts from others for assembly
Relying solely on the sale of inferior products and low prices to win the attraction of buyers, safety and service life cannot be guaranteed. Therefore, we do not recommend customers to purchase such products from the manufacturer of aerial work baskets.

The above is about how to correctly choose the manufacturer of the formal professional aerial work basket.

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Contact: Mr Zhu 138 6179 2014

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Mr Wang 139 2114 6671




AddNo.570 Xitai Road Meicun New district in wuxi city, jiangsu province

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