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The significance of the use of safety ropes

Release date: 2020-09-17 10:33:40    Visits: 743

The seat belt is mainly composed of belts, ropes and metal accessories. The seat belt is one of the important protective equipment used to protect the personal safety of high-altitude and high-altitude workers. The correct use of the seat belt is an important measure to prevent accidents caused by falling from a height and ensure personal safety. One, so doing a good job in the daily use management of seat belts is of great significance for protecting the personal safety of staff.

(2) Classification of work at height

All operations performed at high places where the fall height reference plane is more than 2 meters (including 2 meters) are likely to fall is called high altitude operations; high altitude operations are divided into four levels: first level: 2-5 meters; second level: 5- 15 meters; third grade: 15-30 meters; special grade: more than 30 meters.

(3) Regulations on the use of seat belts

①All units must use safety belts that meet national standards.

②Safety belts must be used correctly for all high-altitude operations (special requirements for gas and other specific measures to implement specific measures), and work within 0.5 meters from the edge of the high-altitude platform of the protective fence; high-altitude platforms with protective fences cannot meet the protective conditions (body When the lowest point is less than 1.05 meters from the guard rail).

③If the same type of seat belt is used, the parts cannot be replaced without authorization. Seat belts that have been severely impacted cannot be used even if their appearance has not changed.

④ The safety belt should be inspected once a month. It is forbidden to use damaged or corroded, and deal with it in time.

⑤Safety belts should be subjected to static load test every 6 months; the test load is 225kgf and the test time is 5min. After the test, check whether there is any deformation, cracking, etc., and make test records. Unqualified safety belts should be dealt with in time.

⑥ The service life of the seat belt is generally 3-5 years. After the seat belt has been used for two years, it should be inspected once according to the batch purchase situation. The suspended seat belt should be subjected to an impact test (the weight of 100kg is used for the heavy object drop test, and the problem is found to be discarded in advance. ).

⑦It is strictly prohibited to extend the safety belt without authorization. If a long rope of 3m or more is used, a buffer must be added, and the components must not be arbitrarily removed.

(4) Regulations for daily use of seat belts

①Before use, it must be checked that the seat belt components are intact, without shortage, or damaged; the ropes and braids are free from brittle cracks, broken strands or kinks; metal fittings are free from corrosion, cracks, welding defects, and deformation; hook bites The mouth is flat and not bad, and the safety device is complete and reliable; the rivets are not offset and the surface is flat. Those that do not meet one of the above conditions are not allowed to be used.

②It is not allowed to tie the rope to use, nor to hang the hook directly on the seat belt. It should be used on the connecting ring; the parts of the seat belt must not be disassembled arbitrarily;

③Safety belts should be fastened to solid objects. It is forbidden to hang on moving or unstable objects. It is forbidden to hang on objects for maintenance. It is forbidden to hang on various dangerous medium pipelines and equipment (including electrical). It should not be fastened to sharp edges and corners. Protective measures should be taken when used in places close to heat sources, and should be hung high and low (the suspension should be 1 meter higher than the waist belt) to prevent swinging and collision.

④ Double hook safety belts must be used during high-altitude climbing or moving. When moving and climbing, alternately hang them, and keep a safety rope hanging on a fixed object; it is forbidden to hang the double hooks directly together without moving or climbing. , The double hooks should be hung on different fixed objects.

⑤When working in dangerous areas above 5 meters high, safety ropes must be provided when using safety belts. The safety factor of safety rope impact resistance must not be less than 9 times the weight of the operator, and the safety rope ends must be firmly fixed.

⑥ The belt must be tightened when using the seat belt, the waist buckle must be fastened and fastened, and the seat belt must be hung high and low when using it, and the height should not be lower than your waist. When in use, prevent swinging and collision, the rope cannot be knotted, and the hook should be hung on the connecting ring.

⑦ During the use of the seat belt, it is strictly prohibited to use it to transfer heavy objects.

(5) Safety maintenance preservation management

①After using the seat belt, pay attention to maintenance and storage. To check the sewing part and hook part of the seat belt frequently, it is necessary to check in detail whether the twisted thread is broken or damaged.

② When the seat belt is not in use, it should be stowed and it is forbidden to drag it on the ground.

③Safety belts should be kept properly when not in use. Do not touch high temperatures, open flames, strong acids, strong alkalis or sharp objects, and do not store them in damp warehouses.
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